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"Red Revolution in the Air" by Nataliya Medvedovskaya

"Red Revolution in the Air" by contemporary composer Nataliya Medvedovskaya is dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917.


TO MY BROTHER by Nataliya Medvedovskaya and poet Yefim Medvedovskiy.

TO MY BROTHER by Nataliya Medvedovskaya and poet Yefim Medvedovskiy.

TO MY BROTHER by composer and pianist Nataliya Medvedoskaya is based on a poem by Yefim Medvedoskiy. It is performed by Nataliya Medvedovskaya, piano, and Zoya Gramagin, soprano, at the Musicians Club of New York, Victor Borge Hall, Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave., NY, NY, on March 11. 2017. Here is the test of the poem in English and in the original Russian: TO MY BROTHER -- Poem by Yefim Medvedovskiy. English translations by Alexandra Palmer. Hauling his little brother Home, daycare, and back, Tractor-like: 'long the rather Arduous blockade track. Scurvied legs' bonded pair In the Bloated snow, Through the Sennaya Square, Dawn to darkness, they tow. Bak'ry-hold the sled firmly-- A warm stop on our way. Wish for-stale edges only- Those dark loaves on display. We stand still, losing, bravery, Crave the loaves. Yet, instead We dine on at this bakery The mirages, not bread. Back to sled, off we steer On the snow's heavy mar. Happiness is not near, Victory is too far. БРАТУ По блокадному тракту: Дом-детсад-и обратно, Будто маленький трактор, Вез ты младшего брата. Ног цинготных оковы- По опухшему снегу, По Сенной, по Садовой- От обеда к ночлегу. По пути-в руки санки- Будем в булочной греться. Нам от черствой буханки- Хоть бы корочку хлебца! Мы стоим, оробели, Взглядом хлеб провожаем... И как будто поели, Cыты вновь миражами. Снова санки по насту. По тяжелому следу... Далеко нам до счастья- Долог путь до победы...
WHITE NIGHTS by Nataliya Medvedovskaya and poet Yefim Medvedovskiy.

WHITE NIGHTS by Nataliya Medvedovskaya and poet Yefim Medvedovskiy.

WHITE NIGHTS by composer and pianist Nataliya Medvedoskaya is based on a poem by her father, Yefim Medvedoskiy. It is performed by Nataliya Medvedovskaya, piano, and Zoya Gramagin, soprano, at the Musicians Club of New York, Victor Borge Hall, Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave., NY, NY, on March 11. 2017. Here is the text in English and in Russian: WHITE NIGHTS -- Poem by Yefim Medvedovskiy. In the cool my town plunged, in the calm state Of the dawns on the Neva pure light, Without bombings-the Devil incarnate, Messerschmitts in the blue of the night. Up--a whole generation has trodden Its, the obelisk stars', Milky Way. At no time will, my town, be forgotten What you suffered through back in the day. Leningrad's white nights, they once again rise, Silver-gray on the Neva they turn, My proud town I keep seeing with my own eyes-- My own mem'ry won't utterly burn. ЕФИМ МЕДВЕДОВСКИЙ БЕЛЫЕ НОЧИ Окунулся мой город в прохладу, В чистоту тихих зорь на Неве Без бомбежек-исчадия ада, Мессершмитов в ночной синеве. В небе выстлался путь поколенья- Млечный путь обелисковых звезд. Никогда не предастся забвенью, Город мой, то, что ты перенес. Ленинградские белые ночи, Седина над Невою светла, Гордый город я вижу воочию- Не сгорит моя память дотла.
"Ideas" by Nataliya Medvedovskaya.

"Ideas" by Nataliya Medvedovskaya.

The World Premiere of "Ideas" for Soprano and Piano is performed by Zoya Gramagin, Soprano, and the composer Nataliya Medvedovskaya, Piano. The art song is based upon the 2016 poem by the Russian American Poet, Yulya Medvedovskaya, who is also the mother of the composer. This performance was at the Musicians Club of New York, Liederkranz Concert Hall, 6 East 87th Street, New York, New York on March 12, 2016. Videography by Michael Gorbovitsky. The composer states, "My mother's humorous poem is about different thoughts/ideas that come to her mind while she's laying in bed, trying to fall asleep at night -- some wrong, dark, wild thoughts, along with deep, pure thoughts, and lighter, playful thoughts closer to sunrise. Below is the poem "Ideas" by Julya Medvedovskaya: Слетаются мысли в единое место. Смотрю- как обычно влетают не те. Суровые мысли и Дикие мысли Охоту за мною ведут в темноте. Лежу я , повержен суровым укором, А Дикие мысли танцуют на мне. Глубокие мысли и Чистые мысли Испуганно жмутся в сторонке к стене. Но Смелые, Яркие,Светлые мысли Идеи вонзают в коварных врагов. Слегка помутнённым тяжёлым сознаньем Смотрю я кино обновившихся снов. Полоска восхода уже розовеет, Мыслишки помельче вокруг мельтешат. Игривые, Новые, Лёгкие мысли Рождают подобных себе мыслешат. Да здравствуют Глупые, Лёгкие мысли! В них сердца отрада, душе в них покой. Гоните Заумные, Мрачные,Серые, Мысли Высокие смелой рукой! Copyright 2016 by Julya Medvedovskaya.


Winner of the Mexico Film & Creativity Festival Award for Best Documentary Short Film

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The Message: A Short Film by Uladzimir Taukachou and Martin Novitsky

The Message is a short documentary which discusses a verse given to mankind more than 2,000 years ago in the Oral Bible that is still applicable to mankind today.



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